Cultural E-Competencies


Sustainability and Replicability

The project’s main objective is the transfer and promotion of the fundamental values of sustainability, aesthetics, and inclusivity.
These values will be incorporated into a new concept of an open-air skills museum, which will develop based on the experiences and stories of people.
The key to the success of this project lies in its ability to endure over time. The project will not be exhausted after a limited period but will constantly evolve, adapting to changing needs and challenges.
The project will have the ability to grow and expand, involving more and more people and resources.
The Open Air platform will provide a space where individuals from diverse disciplines and cultural backgrounds can share knowledge, ideas, and experiences. This will foster the creation of an innovative network that will be an important resource for interdisciplinary education and information.
In conclusion, this ambitious project aims to transform the values of sustainability, aesthetics, and inclusivity into a tangible reality, harnessing the creativity of people, the stories of territories, and global connectivity to make this shared heritage a benefit for the entire world.

Multiplier Events

The organization of multiplier events is aimed at spreading awareness of the project and promoting initiatives related to individual results.

Specifically, it is planned to organize 3 multiplier events (Italy, Czech Republic and Slovakia) with the participation of 60 local and 20 foreign guests for each event.
Gnessi Teresa Group, ITM Group and Nike Analysis & Research will organize the 3 multiplier events in the three countries. At these events they will present project results and will lay the foundation for sustainable partnerships. 
Different communities will be involved at the dissemination events, which can bring different added values to the project in terms of new trainings, new laboratory activities, new ideas and insights for replicability.
October 2023
Organized by ITM-International Tourist Management s.r.o.
Topics: WP1, WP2, WP3

October 2024
Organized by Nike analysis & research s.r.o.
Topics: WP3 and WP4

October 2025
Organized by Gnessi Teresa Group
Topics: WP4 and WP5

Disclaimer: The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


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