Cultural E-Competencies


In a world of constant transformation, we  invite you to join us in the exploration of the fusion of culture and technology.
Just like in a captivating open-air museum, we aim to share with you the aesthetic pleasure, delve deep into art, and open the doors to a variety of cultural experiences.
But how will we achieve all this?
By harnessing passion, expertise, and promoting collaboration.
At the heart of our project lies the figure of the Cultural and Technological Explorer, a role that skillfully blends tradition and innovation. Regardless of age, culture and technology are accessible to all.
Join us as Cultural and Technological Explorers and prepare for an exciting new chapter in your life.

"Art is not what you see, but what you make others see"

Edgar Degas









WPs, Meetings & Events

The project is divided into 5 Work Packages, which are subdivisions of the project and ensure that it is completed effectively, on time, and within the budget.

There will also be at least 8 TPMs, 4 of which are in presence, and 3 Multiplier events, which are essential for spreading the project’s goal, themes and results.

Work Packages 

WP I – Project management
WP II – Investigation
Dec.04,2022/May 04,2023
WP III  – Creation
May 04,2023/Jan.04,2024
WP IV – Digitization
Feb.04, 2024/Dec.04,2024
WP V – Communication


TPM 1 Virtual: Kick-off meeting
December 12, 2022  
TPM 2 Virtual: Status of WP2 + next steps
April 05, 2023  
TPM 3: WP2 Results +overview WP3/WP5
In presence in Italy (LIM)
July 24-25, 2023 
TPM 4 Virtual: WP3/WP5+Interim Report
November 15, 2023 
TPM 5: WP3 Results +WP4/WP5 progress
In presence in Czech Republic (ITM GROUP)
June 11-12, 2024
TPM 6 Virtual: Status of WP4
October 28, 2024
TPM 7 Virtual: WP4 Results
December 02, 2024 
TPM 8: WP5 and model improvements
In presence in Slovakia (NIKE)
May 19-20, 2025
TPM 9: Final report and greetings
In presence in Italy (GNESSI)
October 16-17, 2025

Multiplier Events 

ME 1
October 3-4, 2023 in CZ,
organized by ITM GROUP
ME 2
October 01-02, 2024 in SK,
organized by NIKE
ME 3
September 15-16, 2025 in IT, 
organized by GNESSI

Disclaimer: The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


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