Cultural E-Competencies

Work Packages

Work package n°1 "Project Management"

Before Dec. 04 2022 and until deadline

The strategy and the monitoring to achieve the goal, step by step and in a calculated and flexible way.


Scintific coordination of all project activities aimed at achieving the objectives


Administrative management: proper management of costs actuated, advance payments and rest of the balance, project account, timesheets, reports, interim Rreport and Final Report) 


Monitoring and evaluation aimed at verifying the compliance of the implementation of the projec activities with the expected objectives


Work package n°2 "Investigation"

Dec. 04.2022 - May 04.2023</spa

Awareness, knowledgre and curiositu. The hard core of the construction of the new "culture builder" figure.


Definition of the concept of “culture builder” and drafting of an interview/questionnaire to be administrered to target groups to understand their perception. 


Selection and identification of target groupd of young people and analysis of needs and requirements according to the desire to become “builders of culture” with a strong social impact on the community. 

Work package n°3 "Creation"

May 04.2023 - Jan 04.2023

A new model for the development of creative and interdisciplinary skills to be ransferredto the new generations through the construction and enhancement of the heritage 360°.




Analysis of the best practices and identification of the training macro-themes of the new model, which, throug creative and interdisciplinary content will enable target groups to strengthen their knowledge and learn the use of techniques related to the exploitation of technologies for the creation of the new open-air museum experience. 



Administrative management: proper management of costs actuated, advance payments and rest of the balance, project accounts, timesheets, reports, Interim Report and Final Report)


Work package n°4 "Digitization"

Feb. 04.2024 - Dec. 04.2024

Virtual environmental for real, varied and in-depth learning

Avtivity 4.1.

Design and creation of a technological infrastructure aimed at increasing knowledge at national and European level of the project and to promote project activities.

1. Project site 2. E-learning platform 3. Social page 4. Virtual community

In progress and final evaluation by partners and promotion through their institutional sites

Avtivity 4.2.

pilot experimentation of the skills development model, carried out by the identified target groups.

Activity 4.3.

administration of interviews and organization of focus groups to probe the development of the concept of Impossible Museum

Work package n°5 "Communication"

Dec. 04.2022 - Oct. 10.2025

Art is not what you see, but what you make others see

 Activity 5.1.

Preparation and execution of the communication plan, logo design, preparation of information materials to be delivered to participants in multiplier events, and graphic packaging of interim and final reports

Activity 5.2

Organization of multiplier events, aimed at spreading awareness of the project and promoting initiatives related to individual results. 3 multiplier events (Italy, Czech Republic and Slovakia) each with the participation of 40 local and 10 foreign guests

Created by Lim Srl