Cultural E-Competencies


The word "Museum" is "a collection of works of art, objects, artefacts of historical-scientific value
and interest", without referring to a closed place in which to observe art.
"Cultural e-competencies in open air" arises from the desire to develop skills capable of creating innovation in culture through the use of enabling technologies in a digital transformation process.
E-Competence's priority is to create a new way of developing transversal skills, playing on the uniqueness of the territories where young people were born, as well as developing a versatile concept that can be used in all levels of education. It is necessary promote active citizenship and create a collaborative and constructive connection between young people and the realities they live, virtually and in real life, to enhance and share the excellence of each individual territory.


Builders of Culture


In the “Open-Air Museum of the Builders of Culure, it is intended to promote, while resprecting the environmental and the surrounding society, the various cultural, artistic, professional, transversal skills, in order to create a virtuous network of relationships for a greater shaing of knowledge in person and online.

In this way, citizen, taking advantage of the new model of skills development, implement their skills and hnowledge to build a better future in the place where they live, where they work, where they pursue hobbies, where they interact digitally.

The museum dedicated to:

– educate to aesthetic taste and knowledge of art,
– share the different artistic cultures
– improve the quality of life of local inhabitants and visitors.

The project intends to experiment with new actions aimed at increasing the use of advanced and enabling technologies in adult education, involving them in a type of non-formal learning called to create a digital and physical connection between culture and adult.

Created by Lim Srl